risk platform

Instantly price
cyber risk

Give assurance on
actual risk intensity

Achieve better
financial outcomes

Intangic CyFi™ Platform

Be a price maker, not a price taker.
Get control over how your risk is priced.


case study

How packing provider DS Smith is tackling cyber risk head on

“In his 20 years as a hedge fund manager, CEO and Founder Ryan Dodd saw the explosion of digital transformation fundamentally change how companies created value. But when he asked the executive teams of the companies he was a shareholder of, “how are you validating how you are managing your technology (i.e. cyber) risk?”, he couldn’t get a good answer.”

Our FTSE 100 customer

Thinking differently about risk


Different approach to Nation-State risk

Chris Nissen

Chris Nolan

Ryan Dodd

Get a fuller understanding of nation-state risks facing companies today — a first step towards better protection against the most probable events.